YouTube has been the most viewed and visited sites in the history of the internet. Countless hours of videos are uploaded and watched each minute, it is as if YouTube has superseded the Television. The only form of "Television" that people seem to watch these days are shows offered by popular stream services such as Netflix, Crackle, Amazon Prime and so on but even that is via the internet!
Sure we watch a lot of videos but when we look at the people on the other side of the screen making these amazing videos, reaching a wide audience and entertaining them while earning money, we kind of think "hey! What if I could do it?" Although it is not much work.....okay well not too much "work", the creators truly seem to enjoy what they do. The "work" they do is not work to them, it is their passion. At the same time they seem to be paid for doing what they love!
Now when it comes to how much You-tubers earn it can be a few 100 dollars to Millions, yes you read that right, Millions! Ca-ching!
Casey Neistat, Marques Brownlee, Crazy Russian Hacker, Roman Atwood, Epic Meal Time, VitalyzdTV......and the list goes on and on are the few of the biggest stars in YouTube and if you watch their videos you will know what I am talking about.
For all of them they started by doing something they love and are comfortable with. If you do something you actually enjoy the motivation and the flow will always be there and hence the consistency. Taking for an example one of my personal favorite You-tubers, Casey Neistat, is one of the most influential and inspiring You-tubers out there.
He was then later approached by many companies offering him products to review which then moved to flight reviews, subscribers, views and ultimately money! His You-Tube channel also generates a decent amount via google ad-sense. He did all of this via YouTube! As Casey says "it doesn't matter where you start as long as your content is good, content is key, the views will keep rolling in".
Check out his vlogs and get to know Casey, I higly recommend it!
My next example is my favorite Tech You-tuber, Marques Brownlee or better knows as MKBHD.
He is considered as the best Tech reviewer in the planet and his first YouTube video was not something related to tech but it was him playing golf as a kid.....yeah I am not kidding!
Marques started out like any other amateur You-Tuber out there, a crappy camera, crappy video quality but what made Marques stand out was his content, his consistency and his love for Tech. He started reviewing products that he had lying around at home and then he moved to "HD tutorials" in operating systems, software and interesting things online. Then came the actual Tech he is famous for. His views kept on increasing and so did his fame. Companies recognized this rising star and the level of his unmatched standard of product reviews and then started to approach him providing him with products to review along with a fee. He won the hearts of these companies by providing his honest unbiased opinions and delivering them which what I would call the zenith of video quality. People began to trust his reviews and so did his clients. This resulted in the big names such as Mercedes, Samsung and new tech companies getting in touch with his inviting him to review their products. Marques sometimes describes him as a perfectionist. True enough he uses the bleeding edge of camera gear for his videos which results in his videos being of utmost quality. He is now one of the leading names in tech industry and is obviously really rich! All of this he did through YouTube, plus his dedication and passion.
Check him out :
YouTube is a platform where you can make a big name for yourself if you put the effort into it. Find your what you are passion about, it maybe anything, fashion, sport, gaming, food you name it! Make sure you can create Then find the gear for your videos, don't worry if your videos are crappy at first, everyone starts like that, keep on making them and make sure your content is good. It may be not up to standard but still keep on going you will get better with time. Your journey will get you to place where you want with time. So take a deep breath and start your journey to fame and glory today! Cause nobody will give it to you, you have to take it!
YouTube, a free DIY ticket to being rich?
Reviewed by Unknown
March 30, 2017

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