This is one of the most controversial and discussed topics for a lot of people looking to make a career out of the Internet.
Sure there are many articles and sites telling you how the Internet is your ticket to a fortune or a way of reaching the high life, but how many of them actually teach you how to do it? In reality most of them don't actually give you the practical and correct way to do it. Don't get me wrong the Internet is the place of opportunity to be rich. So the question is can you be a millionaire or actually come close to it? Hmmm...well if you know what to do and where to do it you actually might end up being one. Here are some places to start.
1. Micro Jobs
Being a free Lancer might not get you to the to great heights but it's a great way to start and yes it does come with its drawbacks. Most freelance jobs require qualifications and it is extremely hard to find freelance jobs that do not require qualifications for a certain task and if you do lots of people have already applied for them and the chance of you getting one is really rare. On the other hand if you have the necessary qualifications again there are too many people who have the same qualifications as you and the chance of you getting the job is also low. These micro job sites offer you to pay a certain amount of money to increase your chances of getting the job but in reality if your are willing to spend a buck and actually really commit to getting the job then you might have a chance. Don't get me wrong though these sites really and legitimately do pay you for your work and it is as I told you a great place to start. Some good scam free sites are Fiverr and Amazon Mechanical Turk. Overtime who knows, you might get really qualified with the jobs and end up earning millions!
So you are not qualified and you have literally no professional knowledge of how to do anything, but can you still be a millionaire? Yes! Of course! But only if you put the necessary time and effort.
2. YouTube
Being a you-tuber is in my opinion the best way to turn your life around to reach the high life without any qualification whatsoever. You will need to have some gear ready such as a camera, a laptop or PC for editing and some editing skills. You don't necessarily have to be talented or anything to be a YouTube sensation, you just have to be yourself. If you don't have any of the equipment borrow it from a friend. Making a YouTube channel is free and the rest is up to you. The possibilities and ideas for a YouTube channel are endless. Find an idea you are most comfortable with. The more comfortable and confident you are with that idea the more feasible it will be to come up with content for your channel. Once you have a good reception for your content then monetize your videos with google ad-sense. The more views you get the more money you make.
You might be thinking whether people will like and watch your content or will your content be entertaining? It may be tech, comedy, gaming, news or anything as long as you are passionate about it you will really get the views. Commitment is the key! One of my school mates who started a YouTube channel about gaming never in his wildest dream thought he will be successful. Gaming was and still is his passion. At first his didn't get much views but he was committed and consistent with his content. He started to upload daily and his confidence kept on growing and so did the views. 2 years went by and now he earns around 10,000 US dollars a month.
Take an example one of my favorite You-tubers Roman Atwood. His first video was him posting about his car catching fire. He then decided to do pranks and post them online. He got millions of views and then he moved vlogging which means to document his daily life. Overtime he got millions of views and followers and subscribers and earning millions through his YouTube channel and through his trademarks of selling merchandise all which his cultivated through his YouTube Channel.
Another great example who is my favorite tech You-Tuber Marques Brownlee a.k.a MKBHD. He was a little kid who convinced his parent to buy him a laptop and reviewed tech products through the crappy web cam of the laptop and posting on his YouTube channel. He was passionate and committed and after many years he is considered as the "greatest tech reviewer" on the planet and the money comes to him in millions!
There are so many other You Tubers with the same history such as Taras Kul who we know as the Crazy Russian Hacker who came from Russia started many channels which failed but he still kept on making new videos and his channel crazyrussianhacker took off and has around 9 million subscribers.
So you finally see how you could be successful with YouTube. It doesn't matter whether you are poor or if you don't have any equipment, all you need is your commitment and your passion and hard work. Start small end big!
3. Stock Market
Buying and selling stock is the no b******t and direct way to earn money. It is surprising how many people are unaware of the gold mine called the stock market. If you know your way with the stock market you are one your way to being a millionaire.
These three ways are by far the easiest way to be a millionaire. There maybe many other ways, but in my opinion these are the most easy ways to start. All what you need is patience, commitment, passion and hard work. If you have these qualities you are on your way!
Can the Internet make you a millionaire from nothing?
Reviewed by Unknown
March 08, 2017

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