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Do you really need to get rich?

Getting rich, it is a dream for us all. The power to do what you want, the power to get what you want, the power to be what you want. In colloquial terms it means having a lot of money. It surely is the quintessential and the most desired ambition that we all yearn to achieve.

Fast cars, famous people, luxury yachts, fancy hotels, personal jets, luxurious food........ah the high life! What if we could live and do it all huh?

Now for the people who do get actually get materialistically rich their happiness turns from priceless to an object with a price tag. It is so temporary in fact that their liking for something is extremely short lived that they continuously need new things to satisfy their ever so craving minds. It's like your mind is on drugs to be honest.

You have everything, you live your life to the extremes of comforts and luxuries. You always want something new and you have so much that you don't get to appreciate what you already have and gradually without your knowledge your mind becomes so sensitized to everything around you and then nothing ever really seems to make you happy. Your greed grows day by day and you never even think of giving anything away that you posses. It is at this point where you are stuck in the honey pot of worldly pleasures. Your mind is officially ill and blind. Sounds scary doesn't it?

That is why most of the people who are too rich aren't really happy. So then how can you be rich and be happy at the same time?

What you can do is being rich in things that money can't buy. Period! Priceless things such as a good family that loves you and good human values. Lets take the late Pablo Escobar as an example. Pablo Escobar was a famous Colombian drug king pin who earned millions within days by selling cocaine, basically that bloke had too much money. So he surely must have been miserable not knowing what to do with all of that money and by having everything under the sun, yes he might have been at times but believe it or not he was a happy man. Why? Pablo had a family that he loved and loved him back. He was a family man to the day he died. No matter how much Pablo earned, what mattered most to him was his family and the joy they brought him. To prove what I am on about, he once burned two million US dollars in cash just because his daughter was feeling cold. Two million dollars is a lot of money and what man would do that? You see, Pablo's mind was not totally corrupt with money and he knew what truly made him rich. He knew what was truly more valuable to him.

In the end it doesn't matter how much you earned and how much you had, what matters is what you did in this world, what will matter is whether you were genuinely happy while you lived. You will only take what you did and you will leave all what you had. Impermanence is the law of nature but your actions will live with you forever. 

So be rich with values and love for you will always remain rich and most of all you will be happy.

                                                The famous mug shot of Pablo Escobar.

You can follow the epic story of Pablo Escobar on a TV show called Narcos which is available on Netflix.

Do you really need to get rich? Do you really need to get rich? Reviewed by Unknown on July 24, 2017 Rating: 5

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